The Bucket List
The bucket list was started back in February, 2013. The idea is to create a list of all the things that I’d like to accomplish and experience over the years.
I hope this list being in a public place will want people to experience these with me. This list is ever growing, shrinking, and changing (and yes, was inspired by the movie)
This one is kind of funny. Things that are so close to your doorstep you don’t tend to do. I’m now half way around the world and this will likely be the “Good Barrier Reef” before I get a chance to do it.
I’d need to learn to Paramotor first.
Paragliding is definitely a passion these days. This looks amazing though!
This one is going to seem silly. I’d like it to be a very low cloud day, so we can watch the clouds rise, looking like big marshmallows from above while relaxing with a picnic rug, under a tree, for hours.
Here’s a picture from Dall-E that does a pretty good job to show it

It’s hard..
Bethany and I got to see flowing lava at the Halemaʻumaʻu crater in Hawaii. This was just before the 2018 eruptions, so got lucky with our timing. Due to there not being flowing lava at the time, we only saw this from afar. I would very much like to keep this on the bucket list in hope of one day seeing it free-flowing up close.

Maybe try this?
I’d like to bake a loaf of sourdough from scratch. It contains three ingredients; Flour, Water, Salt. I’d like to grow my own wheat for the flour, and collect my own salt from the ocean.
Story and photo to go here
This one is interesting. Something I always wanted to do. I’ve been very fortunante to have had a number of pilot friends let me take controls over the years. It’s amazing, but, far too expensive for me to want to pick up. I’ll stick with Paragliding
Got to complete it on November 2018. Went with Sam, Nick and Jay and did a lesson day at Hollister. Loved it, but far too expensive as a hobby. I’m very much into Paragliding now as a cheaper source of flying the skies

Completed Paragliding Bucket List
- Cove Club
- Mission to Ed Levin
Yearly Challenges
A new life goal is to set and try and achieve a little challenge every year. Past challenges have been as follows.
- 2012 - NO coffee
- 2013 - Enter a gym at least 2 days a week
- 2014 - Learn Pirates of the Caribbean (Jarrod Radnich Version) [Fail!]
- 2015-2023 - Stopped.
- 2024 - Play the piano at least 2 days a week
2024 Goals
2024 Paragliding Challenges
- Golden Eagle - Between Mission and Ed and back
Finish a sprint league taskDidn’t happen this year, will try next year with my new Ozone Swift 6 - P4 certified
Fly Mt. Tam. Didn’t happen this year, but the flight was pretty great Back in 2022 - Fly Windy Hill Preserve
- Fly Potato Hill (if open)
- Palo Buque to Iquique - Flew from Iquique to Palo and back to the hotel beach!
Project Work
- Document Website
- Family Tasks Habbit and Streak tracker
- Project Website
- Finish Chessboard Bugfixes
- Project Website
- A (Working) Autonomous RC Plane
- CNC Machine Proof of Concept
- Design custom keyboard.
- Project Website