Flight Logbook Entry

Flight Number: 290
Location: Tollhouse
Date: 2024-07-10
Duration: 01:32:31
Launch: TO (SSW-WSW) Burrough Mt._Tollhouse, CA
Max Distance: 4287m
Max Altitude: 1574m
Track Length: 52898m
Wing: BGD Epic M
IGC File: Download

Interesting flight!

Lift was forecasted to be at roughly 6,000ft at 2pm. Winds on all models more from the south.

I tried to head over to the tit, not finding I had the glide to turned back to the launch house thermal and found lift shortly after.

Got super high over squaw but was sinking like a rock and not finding lift over square nail. Decided to follow the ridge back down to landing zone and got some nice climb there, but not enough to get me back to 5,000. The little mountain near the LZ does nothing.

Enjoyed watching Thorin make my goal, come back, then head out all kinds of places after. I need a new glider :)